XVIII The Moon
This card has its energies related to the sign of Cancer
This card has its energies related to the sign of Pisces
The Moon in a reading means it is time for you to follow your intuition. It indicates secrets, mysteries, and illusions. If you have a decision to make and you are not sure which way to go, listen to your heart.
The card is associated with the sign of Pisces, equally intuitive, but also with Cancer. Pisces even likes to reflect and ponder things and sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we just need the information to make the right decision. When the Moon card appears, it suggests that your emotions and your intuition must prevail in the final decision.
It suggests that there are probably more things going on that we are not aware of, so, like Pisces, the best thing to do is to step back and dive inside. Seek the necessary intuition to see the situation more clearly, to discover what is missing, what is hidden. However, while secrets can be negative, this Major Arcanum can have a positive reading. It is as if the last piece of the puzzle is not available yet, so you should follow your instincts as you will find the answers at the right time.
A little more about the card The Moon...
The Moon is the eighteenth card of the Tarot and usually represents something hidden, hidden from our perception. It is also our intuitive knowledge and although it is a card that symbolizes the night, with its shadows and mysteries, it does not necessarily have a dark connotation.
In the card, we see a source of water. A path emerges from it, which symbolizes the journey we make in search of consciousness. The crayfish (which symbolizes the zodiac sign Cancer) coming out of the water represents the beginning of consciousness. On either side of the path, we see a wolf and a dog, which symbolize the wild and domesticated side of our minds. The moon’s light is dim, uncertain and only dimly illuminates our path as we travel towards something higher.
See the meaning of other cards of Major Arcana:
- 0 The Fool
- I The Magician
- II The High Priestess
- III The Empress
- IV The Emperor
- V The Hierophant
- VI The Lovers
- VII The Charriot
- VIII Strength
- IX The Hermit
- X The Wheel of Fortune
- XI Justice
- XII The Hanged Man
- XIII Death
- XIV Temperance
- XV The Devil
- XVI The Tower
- XVII The Star
- XVIII The Moon
- XIX The Sun
- XX Judgement
- XXI The World