IV The Emperor
This card has its energies related to the planet Jupiter
This card has its energies related to the sign of Aries
When the Emperor appears in a reading, it suggests that you are on the verge of achieving your goals or are on the right track. The Aries connection is also about leadership, control, and achievement, meaning it sometimes suggests that you will take on a leadership role or take control of an issue.
It could indicate that this is a good time to start a big project, make budgets or that new opportunities may also arise. Either way, it can be important to seek advice from an authority figure such as your father or another father figure before making any major decisions.
A little more about the card The Emperor...
The Emperor is the Tarot card number 4, representing order and structure. It symbolizes masculine energy and is the counterpart of the previous card, The Empress. The archetype basically revolves around power and authority. His stern countenance does not resemble the beauty and sensuality of the Empress. Challenges or conflicts do not scare him, they actually feed him. He uses his power to protect the people he cares about. The card suggests leadership, authority and action. It can also represent a boss or an authority figure in your life or related to a question.
There are sandy mountains behind his throne. His throne is decorated with four rams’ heads, which is a symbol of Aries. In his right hand, he holds an Ankh, the Egyptian cross that is the Egyptian symbol of Life, and in his left hand, there is an orb, which represents the world. The yellow background and his red clothes symbolize his energy, his passion for life, and the challenges it offers.
He has a long, white beard, referring to all his experience and wisdom. The feeling is that their advice is worth listening to. He can symbolize a father figure, as it is also associated with the greatest father figure of all: Jupiter. It is about someone in any leadership position or someone older who carries experience because of their years lived. The wisdom of this archetype suggests helps balance and structure the issue. It is like a safe haven you can count on.
See the meaning of other cards of Major Arcana:
- 0 The Fool
- I The Magician
- II The High Priestess
- III The Empress
- IV The Emperor
- V The Hierophant
- VI The Lovers
- VII The Charriot
- VIII Strength
- IX The Hermit
- X The Wheel of Fortune
- XI Justice
- XII The Hanged Man
- XIII Death
- XIV Temperance
- XV The Devil
- XVI The Tower
- XVII The Star
- XVIII The Moon
- XIX The Sun
- XX Judgement
- XXI The World