VIII Strength
This card has its energies related to the sign of Leo
The Strength represents the best characteristics of the Leo zodiac sign, such as courage, determination, resilience, and strength, good keys to success. However, it indicates that to achieve your goals, you will also need self-control to tame your own inner lions, which can represent both your internal conflicts and the obstacles that life imposes on us. In a Tarot reading, when it appears it tends to represent that something superior will help us overcome any difficulty we are going through or involved in the situation. It suggests protection of our goals, indicating more focus and self-control around the situation. It usually indicates that there is a kind of protection involved in the matter, willing to help you on your way to victory or successful resolution of some situation. It could also indicate something that has stood the test of time because of loyalty and willpower.
A little more about the card Strength...
The Strength card has positive symbolism. Sunshine is involved and, under the sky, a woman caresses a lion. She looks at it calmly, and seems to have succeeded in taming the beast. She wears a white robe and is shown to be kind. The wreath on her head and the belt represent victory. There is also the infinity symbol above his head, which is the same symbol seen on The Magician card. The blue mountain in the background is also the same as seen in the card The Lovers.
The card also means that we are in control of our lives or the current situation. The fact that The Strength is represented by a woman indicates that there is much more than just physical strength involved. The woman overcomes the lion with willpower and self-control, which comes from within. There is a strong connection with the sign of Leo, where the energy of the card suggests that we can tame our own lions (such as difficulties, internal conflicts, harmful habits, difficult situations, or other mishaps in life) to achieve our victories. The lion also symbolizes our passions, creative drive, and desires.
This is another Tarot card that has the symbol of infinity, as does The Magician, suggesting that the theme of “action and reaction” is directly linked to the victory we seek.
See the meaning of other cards of Major Arcana:
- 0 The Fool
- I The Magician
- II The High Priestess
- III The Empress
- IV The Emperor
- V The Hierophant
- VI The Lovers
- VII The Charriot
- VIII Strength
- IX The Hermit
- X The Wheel of Fortune
- XI Justice
- XII The Hanged Man
- XIII Death
- XIV Temperance
- XV The Devil
- XVI The Tower
- XVII The Star
- XVIII The Moon
- XIX The Sun
- XX Judgement
- XXI The World