The 12 Signs of Astrology
Get to know each of the twelve astrological signs in depth.
Aries Regent: Mars
Aries energy brings out the desires and initiative of the individual (or the situation) and gives the necessar...

Taurus Regent: Venus
Taurus is the first sign of the earth element and symbolizes nature and matter, the primordial form of life. R...

Gemini Regent: Mercury
Gemini is the first sign of the element Air and is ruled by the planet Mercury. It awakens intellectuality, op...

Cancer Regent: Moon
Cancer is the sign ruled by the Moon and represents the nourishment of life. It is the first sign of the Water...

Leo Regent: Sun
Leo, a sign ruled by the Sun, is the second level of the Fire element and symbol of human consciousness. If th...

Virgo Regent: Mercury
Virgo is the second sign of the Earth element and has Mercury as its ruler. It is the energy that reflects and...

Libra Regent: Venus
Second sign of the Air element and ruled by Venus, Libra transcends the weight of a divided Universe, it is th...

Scorpio Regent: Mars
Second level of the Water element and ruled by the planet Mars, Scorpio symbolizes the conflict between spirit...

Sagittarius Regent: Jupiter
Third sign of the Fire element and ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius is the fire that connects Heaven and Earth, m...

Capricorn Regent: Saturn
Third sign of the Earth element and ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is the symbol of order, discipline, obedience a...