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Sun in House 1 of the BirthChart
Check out Astrolink and understand what the Sun in the 1st house represents in your birth chart, how it influences your life and use it to your advantage.
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The house on the astrological chart where the Sun is located is illuminated by it, being, therefore, an area where one has more clarity and self-expression. The first house is related to the sign of Aries, a house where the Sun is exalted, giving those who have this positioning a good dose of self-confidence, self-esteem, autonomy, determination, courage, and possibly leadership.
It is an extremely important sector, since it has the Rising Sign itself as its cusp. When the Sun is in this house, a house of identity, which marks the departure from the mother’s womb to become a human being separated from the mother, individuals tend to want to seek their place in the world, making efforts to achieve their goals, with more determination and willingness to face challenges.
Natives can show great enthusiasm, disposition, and vitality. They hardly go unnoticed and the warmer and more jovial way they tend to express themselves can end up involving and attracting people who become their followers.
Whoever has the Sun in the first house generally wants to be recognized and respected for their achievements and merits, sparing no efforts to achieve their goals. As they trust, they tend to trust themselves more, they enter the field more willing to score a goal, but, on the other hand, they often exceed themselves and end up becoming a little more arrogant, vain, and conceited.
The misuse of this energy makes living with these individuals a little difficult because if they turn on the automatic mode, they can end up becoming self-centered, narcissistic, stubborn, authoritarian beings who do not accept criticism, wanting to impose their ideas at all costs. They often become tyrannical, insensitive, selfish, or intemperate types.
In physical terms, the Sun in the first house gives good health, energy, and vigor. Many natives with this positioning are dedicated to sports activities, as they need to vent excess energy.
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