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Pluto in
Virgo in the BirthChart
Pluto was in Virgo between 1711 to 1725 and 1957 to 1971, generating transformations in the servile and evolutionary aspect of society. On a more macro level, it can be said that there are important transformations in the field of work.
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It’s interesting how the concept of generation we have used all through the 20th century has some parallels with Pluto’s positionings. People born in generations where Pluto has already reached a different sign could have very distinct challenges, inner possibilities, concepts of power and ways to deal with changes and transitions in society, when compared to others.
Latest periods of Pluto in Virgo: 1711 to 1725 | 1957 to 1971
Great power and transformation in society’s service and evolutionary aspects.
On a broader sense, there are likely important transformations in work, agriculture, service and overall technological sectors, bringing on profound changes in traditions, conventions and the way things had been done until then. Each time Pluto goes through Virgo, things tend to be reviewed, questioned and improved. There’s also great emphasis in health aspects.
Some people tend to question current systems, and this latest generation is the one which truly started to think a little more out of the box, changing paradigms which benefit future generations. A generation with the potential to make a huge difference in the world, planting the seeds which will forever change society towards humanity’s best interests, acting to improve processes. Still in the early 21st century, many find themselves in positions of power, trying to do their best to manage new and conflicting technological generations, guiding them towards goals which they consider better.
Birth Chart Interactions
On a personal level, these are people with a potential inside them to profoundly change things that have been rooted in society, nurturing a stronger interest in questions related to health, quality of life, nature, servitude and understanding the relationship between mind and body. Pluto, especially in specific aspects, can also put an extra pressure on the sense of servitude and an impulse to feel useful as a person, something which can generate shifts in career and daily service. Work tends to be taken seriously, but true motivation is necessary, otherwise, rebellion is always a possible outcome, due to a belief that nothing can be truly useful if it is not transformative.
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