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Midheaven in
Gemini in the BirthChart
Check out Astrolink and understand what Midheaven in Gemini represents in your birth chart, how it influences your life and use it to your advantage.
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Having Gemini in Midheaven suggests that communication is important and that it can greatly influence the path that such individuals will take in life, as well as their public image. Anything they do must add knowledge so that they can share it with everyone around them. Gemini and its opposite sign, Sagittarius, are associated with learning and that is why those with this positioning in their birth charts can align themselves with an academic career or any area where they can express themselves publicly.
The House 10 deals with the image we project to others, our social image, the path we follow and our career. Versatility is expected, so people thus born can work in different professions that give them satisfaction in exchanging, communicating and transmitting information. Career-wise, routine and monotony are not usually attractive; rather, they much prefer movement, keeping the air flowing and stimulating the mind.
Gemini tends to be an energy characterized by generating agility and mental acuity, in addition to influencing good articulation. In other words, it is a sign that values fluent communication and here it has the potential to make the person quite articulate in public. Because skills in and the flow of communication are vital for them, the list of possible career options is extensive. Media or information, sales and marketing, public relations, writing, teaching, that is, any place where information is exchanged and ideas are shared can be attractive. These people may also consider a career where they travel a lot, where the chance to move freely could motivate them to work on anything that allows them to get around.
Gemini and Sagittarius - knowledge and wisdom
The Bottom of the sky in Sagittarius is a counterpoint to MC in Gemini. Generally, those who have this positioning do not usually enjoy limitations, though there may be scattering. People with this positioning end up wanting to cover all subjects, but do so superficially, without paying proper attention, thus becoming a jack of all trades and master of none in public.
Friendships, social contacts and more intimate relationships can come and go more quickly. It can be a great lesson in life for them to be able to focus their attention, abilities and affections, so that they really succeed in both professional and personal areas and do not waste their gifts. When they manage to tame their scattering tendency and focus on things more, success comes faster. Therefore, they can offer the world a vision that combines the knowledge of Gemini and the wisdom of Sagittarius, a vision that leads to a good social image.