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Chiron in
Virgo in the BirthChart
Chiron in Virgo can indicate any health problems, or a feeling that personal problems will never be resolved. Chiron is also portrayed as regent of Virgo, so everything in this placement tends to be maximized.
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Having Chiron in Virgo can indicate occasional changes in health or a feeling that their personal issues aren’t ever fully resolved. In Astrology, Chiron is also portrayed as Virgo’s ruler, therefore, everything tends to be heightened in this positioning. Virgo’s concern with health, for example, can easily become hypochondria. However, people with this positioning in their birth charts could have natural healing abilities.
This influence can bring to individuals a unique way to relate to their body, healing, health, work and routine. On the other hand, they might have to deal with a health issue (or simply feel like this area has a heavier focus or weight in their lives).
The Chiron / Virgo combination can also make individuals excessively critical, as well as having a perception that there are things which can never be healed. In this case, they could end up simply giving up and living in chaos. People with this positioning in their birth charts can either become hypochondriac or completely neglect their own health. In any case, health is an important focus point. They must learn to deal with imperfection, which they might find very hard.
The positive side is that natives understand themselves well and are capable of healing, not only others, but themselves, too. Being a volunteer or working in health care can help them develop a more holistic and realistic approach to healing. They could be working too hard and in need to relax and enjoy life more. Or they could be sabotaging their own success at work and need to appreciate it more. They must use Virgo’s natural abilities, such as common sense and practicality, to find balance.
It would also be great if they could use Virgo’s potential for a critical and analytical approach to work, service or health. In fact, they tend to be naturally perfectionist and could use this characteristic where it is most welcome: for healing and for work.