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Chiron in
Taurus in the BirthChart
Check out Astrolink and understand what Chiron in Taurus represents in your birth chart, how it influences your life and use it to your advantage.
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Chiron in Taurus can bring some problems related to insecurities and self-esteem. Taurus is a sign which needs safety in the way they operate. It is connected to the material world, but also appreciates beauty and feelings. This is why these individuals can feel hurt for thinking they are not attractive due to a physical attribute they do not like. Insecurities can also come from lack of material goods which these individuals may find fundamental. These could be money, a property or anything they might need to feel stable and safe. After attaining these goals, insecurities tend to become smaller.
Taurus is an energy which naturally understands the value of worldly things, also inspiring a natural sensuality. This is why Chiron’s influence can expose sensitivities in these areas, undermining part of these natives’ self-esteem. They can also end up having issues with food. If self-esteem is too strong on a very affected area, they can have a desire to eat too much due to their anxiety. For individuals with this positioning, recognizing their own worth could help them heal.
Part of the solution is in helping others deal with these subjects, addressing any related issues using Taurus’ practical, cautious and sensible approach. Helping people to solve the same issues they face with Chiron’s influence can be easier than solving it for themselves. However, this attitude could make it easier for them to solve their own problems, too.
A Sense of Neglect
Chiron in Taurus brings a greater sense of neglect. Individuals may feel like there’s something missing from an area of their lives. These can be material, emotional, intellectual or spiritual things. In fact, they are more likely to feel unfulfilled and undernourished, somehow. It all comes down to their sense of worth. Many people go shopping or collect things to fill that possible void.
To find a cure, they need to look beyond the quick fixes they usually rely on to placate their immediate inner needs. Shopping or eating too much, for example, will not solve their problem. They should not deny life’s simple pleasures and learn to value themselves more. Treating themselves the way they want others to treat them (or the way they treat others) and always having a balanced attitude in that sense.
Love is all around us, we were all born to love and be loved. Learning to value themselves makes others value them, too. They might need a longer period of introspection in order to understand this concept. The first step to resolve this positioning’s issues is to understand what they actually are.