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Chiron in
Scorpio in the BirthChart
Check out Astrolink and understand what Chiron in Scorpio represents in your birth chart, how it influences your life and use it to your advantage.
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Chiron in Scorpio could influence hurt or loss, be them symbolic or material, along their lives. Scorpio is a mesh of intense emotions, and people with this positioning in their charts can have more empathy and psychic abilities. These characteristics are improved through transformative experiences. The more they live, the wiser and more intuitive they seem to become. They are more likely to get hurt by those they love or to have suffered great losses. Often, they want to get to know others deeply, but to deal with these emotions, they need to know themselves better first.
However, even when they can’t deal very well with their personal issues, they are able to help others heal their wounds and resolve issues in their lives, especially through their experience with their own resentments. In any case, it would be good to balance their emotions, maybe letting go, emotionally, of any deeply buried negative memories. This could help to heal wounds and feelings of loss.
Losses and Damages
Those with Chiron in Scorpio could suffer losses of any shape or form very early in life. Or they could feel as if something died inside of them due to irreparable losses. Maybe they are afraid of losing their power to dive deep into others or they feel powerless. When the feeling of loss is strong and continuous, they could worry too much about losing material goods or loved ones. A useful tip would be to appreciate life lightheartedly, since even when we lose something or someone, life goes on and we’ll be richer and more experienced through what we own and have conquered.