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Chiron in
Leo in the BirthChart
Chiron in Leo can influence feelings of devaluation, eventually making the person feel unrecognized, or not feel special enough.
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Chiron in Leo can influence some feelings of unworthiness, eventually making people feel undervalued or not creative enough. However, they have everything they need to help others achieve their full potential and see their individuality in a positive light. To heal the wounds Chiron implies, they will first have to learn how to recognize their own worth.
Natives might feel like their talents are or have been neglected, maybe feeling as if they’ve never had an opportunity to shine. Or even worse, deep down they feel as if they have no talent or skill, or do not feel safe enough to express them. However, they have a gift for helping others let their creativity out. Their difficulty to express their own talents can stem from a repressed childhood or a multitude or situations. Maybe their talents were not explored, or their family wanted to explore them forcefully or harmfully.
To help them overcome this, individuals must find a way to get in touch with their inner child and awaken their creativity. People with this positioning can help others uncover their own potential, so it is a good idea to be creative with their children. They can also look for lessons in fields they are interested in. After all, their unrealized potential is still lying there, dormant, under the surface.
Leo is a warm, inspiring and joyful energy, but Chiron can limit these traits a little. Maybe this person wants to party too hard and needs to slow down a little. On the other hand, they could be denying themselves of any pleasure and need to have more fun. The solution can involve enthusiasm, optimism and balance. Accepting Leo’s need for joy, recognition and doing things from the heart, but doing it all in a balanced, responsible way. Excessive behaviors could reopen the wound, as could a total absence of fun.