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Chiron in
Aries in the BirthChart
Chiron in Aries can be a limiter. Aries is a more individualistic, impetuous, impulsive energy. Chiron´s influence may hurt some of the power of Aries´ initiative, taming its momentum.
light mode
A Chiron in Aries can be extremely limiting. Aries is a more individualistic, impetuous and impulsive energy, and this influence can “hurt” Aries initiative, taming it. The very important “Self” is affected by a possible feeling of uselessness. These people may not value themselves (or know the measure of their worth). This is why they cannot fear their initiatives and their own strength. At some point in their lives, these natives must embark in a self-discovery journey to overcome feelings of helplessness which may emerge during their lives.
Chiron relates to healing and its positioning in the birth chart can signal a need to look after something in that specific area. When in Aries, it is also connected to aches or injures to the head, where natives may need to deal with a real physical issue or an emotional hurt coming from negative thoughts about their own potential. However, if they can see themselves as they really are, they will know exactly how much they are worth. They need to reaffirm and value their accomplishments.
Channeling Aries for Good
Those with this positioning need to channel their Aries energy well to develop their best potential for assertiveness. As we said above, these people can have some self-confidence issues and, as such, they need to use Aries’ energy energetically and urgently, getting more confidence to bravely overcome their insecurities.
On the other hand, they need to be careful not to become too confident, taking unnecessary risks and making mistakes. Balance is the solution. Once they learn to value and take care of themselves, they can heal any wound. They will realize that, once they recognize their own value, others will too.