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Monthly Horoscope - September 2023

Retrograde Jupiter and other transits of the month

Published in: 28/08/2023 at 09:00

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3 minutes of reading

Welcome to September 2023. This month, as the highlight of the monthly horoscope, we have the conclusion of Mercury and Venus retrograde, as well as a significant aspect featuring Jupiter, suggesting opportunities for growth. 

Continue reading and understand these and other transits. Please remember that the forecasts below are collective. To learn about trends for your life, check out your Free Personalized Horoscope.

Venus and Mercury Retrograde

Venus Retrograde ends on September 3rd, marking the beginning of the month. From this point on, the planet returns to its direct motion, transiting through the Leo sign towards Virgo, where it enters from October 8th. 

Look at your Birth Chart to see where you have the Leo sign to understand where Venus can bring opportunities and gentleness in relation to a certain area of your life.

Furthermore, upon returning to direct motion, Venus will form the third and final square with Jupiter (which station retrograde in Taurus on September 4th), cautioning us not to rely solely on luck.

Similar to Venus, Mercury station direct on September 15th in a trine aspect with Jupiter, creating a favorable period for resolutions, decisions, intellectual focus, and progress in legal matters. 

Another interesting point at this monthly horoscope is that Mercury is the only planet in domicile (located in a sign with strong characteristic affinity) during the month of September. Therefore, the planet operates with more strength, enhancing the potential to focus on crucial details and communicate with greater precision, reducing the risk of misunderstandings.

The positive interaction between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus may lead to a time of realizing practical and material plans, which tend to be empowered by the influence of Earth signs, especially Taurus and Virgo. Pay attention if you have planets positioned between the degrees of 14 and 22 in Taurus and in which area, as they will be activated during this time.

Sun Enters Libra

On September 23rd, the Sun enters Libra - Happy birthday to all Libras of the month! This period always invites us to pay more attention to fairness in relationships, as Libra's characteristics will be prominent. This inspires us to take actions in line with the dynamics of our birth chart. 

The area where you have Libra is likely to experience more spontaneity and autonomy for a while.

New Moon and Full Moon

In this monthly horoscope, we will experience the last pre-eclipse season lunation, leading into October, which includes an annular solar eclipse. 

On September 14th, we have the New Moon in Virgo conjunct Mercury in the same sign, providing a great opportunity to act with focus, analysis, determination, and method towards your goals.

Towards the end of the month, on September 29th, the Full Moon occurs in Aries, opposing Mars in Libra, and in tension with Pluto. This lunation is a bit more challenging and tumultuous, where caution against intensity is advised. 

On a personal level, it might indicate a period when feelings of fear and insecurity prompt us to erect protective barriers against perceived attacks, especially if these are supported by your personal horoscope. It's essential to understand that not everything might be supported by reality; some things could be products of our imagination.

Additionally, be mindful if a desire for a passive-aggressive approach suddenly emerges. This Aries lunation might encourage impulsive actions, but it's crucial to grasp and accept the consequences of your actions.

On a broader scale, this might also signify intense events occurring throughout this lunar cycle, with a few days before and after its initiation.

Astrological Calendar for September 2023

09/03/2023 - Venus station direct in Leo
09/04/2023 - Jupiter station retrograde in Taurus
09/14/2023 - New Moon in Virgo
09/15/2023 - Mercury station direct in Virgo
09/23/2023 - Sun enters Libra
09/29/2023 - Full Moon in Aries

As you can see, the Monthly Horoscope is always filled with influences, and beyond the collective analysis, each of them has a unique impact on each person's life. Sign up on Astrolink and follow your personal horoscope!
